Real Estate

House Flipping

House flipping is the practice of purchasing a property with the intent of improving it and then selling it for a profit within a short periodoftime. House flippers typically target houses already built, homes in need of repair, foreclosure properties, or those with the potential for substantial appreciation. Property flipping, or house flipping as some people call it, is another lucrative way to earn money in real estate—if in the right location, good amount to start and using the right real estate investment company or agent.

It is a business that requires knowledge with good capital to be successful, which is the proverbial "wild side" of real estate investing because just as day trending is different from buy-and-hold investing therefore, real estate flippers are distinct from buy-and-rent-and-sell. Pure property flippers often don't invest in improving properties, as the investment must already have the intrinsic value needed to turn a profit without any alterations, or they'll eliminate the property from contention. Flippers who are unable to swiftly unload a property may find themselves in trouble as that can lead to continued, snowballing losses.

* Basic description of how to flipping works*

Flipping is most strongly associated with real estate, where it refers to a strategy of purchasing properties and selling them on a short time frame (generally less than six months) for a profit. First flipping type is where real estate investors target properties that are in a rapidly appreciating market area and resell with additional investment in the physical property. This is a play on the market conditions rather than the property itself. The second flipping type is where a real estate investor uses his knowledge of what buyers want to improve undervalued properties with renovations and/or cosmetic changes, known as a reno flip.

Flipping after improving an undervalued property is less dependent on market timing, but market conditions still can play a role. In the reno flip, the investor makes an additional capital infusion into the investment that should increase the property value by more than the combined cost of the purchase, the renovations, the carrying costs during the renovation and the closing cost. Although flipping sounds simple and straightforward in principle, it does require more than a casual understanding of real estate to be done profitably.

* Tips on how to get started flipping properties*
1. Set a budget
You have to pay attention to your dollars and cents when flipping properties. Set a budget with a lot of padding to cover these contingencies. And don’t forget to include the real estate agent’s fees and closing costs that you will be required to pay when selling the property.
2. Find the right property.
Finding the right property to flip requires extensive knowledge of the real estate market. You will need to identify properties with potential for improvement and assess whether the resale value could yield a profit after you pay for the property or renovations.
3. Make an offer.
Your offer needs to be competitive enough to stand out from other offers as you may be competing for properties with other house flippers and will need to be a little bit low enough and ensure to make a good profit.
4. Set a timeline.
Keep in mind that in addition to your buying or renovation expenses, you will also have monthly payments that will cut into your profits. However, there may be tax implications on how fast the house is flipped, so is important to talk with a tax advisor in the process. N/B: Using the right real estate investment company or agent is the key to be successful.